
De Xhodon
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By Meditating a Magician may ascend to higher levels. Meditating is not possible before leaving Protección Inicial. To meditate, go to your Profile and click "Meditation" in the navigation to the right. Meditating one levels takes 24 hours.

Menu Meditation in the Profile


Archivo:Profile Skills Light.jpg
Skill tree for Light Magicians
Archivo:Profile Skills Shadow.jpg
Skill tree for Shadow Magicians

After gaining a level, you receive Skill Points which you may use to increase the following skills (depending on your Alignment):

Magic of Light / Shadow Magic
Sun Magic /
Magic of Darkness
Magic of Life /
Magic of Protection /
Black Magic

After meditating to level 1, 5, 10, 15 or 20, you will receive three skill points. Every other level gets you one skill point.

Skills only serve as prerequisites for Items, so it is best to keep your skill points until you get an item that requires you to distribute them.

The magician's level also determines your ranking in the Magician highscore.

Resetting skill points

By clicking "Reset points" next to the number of remaining skill points, you can reset all skills to 0 and regain all skill points for a new distribution. Resetting your skill points costs you 50% of the Mana production of your main palace for 12 hours (i.e. the production of 6 hours or 72 ticks).

Any equipped items with skill requirements will stay equipped but will be deactivated after resetting your skill points.


Durante el requisito de 24 Horas producción Árbol de la Vida del palacio principal. La tabla muestra el costo de maná exacta y el nivel requerido de el árbol de la vida.

del Mago
por Tic
del Arbol
0 → 1 1
2 7 6
3 15 12
4 24 18
5 35 26
6 48 34
7 63 44
8 80 54
9 100 66
10 122 79
11 146 93
12 173 109
13 203 125
14 234 143
15 268 162
16 305 182
17 344 203
18 385 225
19 429 248
20 475 272
21 524 297